نظریة تغیر الشكل القصي المثلثیة لصفیحة مرنة مقواه بألیاف مقاومة للثني

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dc.contributor.author العقاب، زمزم محمد عبدالله
dc.date.accessioned 2023-12-11T12:40:52Z
dc.date.available 2023-12-11T12:40:52Z
dc.date.issued 2022
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.asmarya.edu.ly/xmlui/handle/123456789/553
dc.description المشرف: د. علي فرج فرحات en_US
dc.description.abstract In this research, a study of some research papers about investigating the behavior of plates reinforced with fibers which can resist bending. In the first conterbution of this research, the displacement functions have been applied in this study that was presented in the theory by Shimpi and Ghugal( 2001) for finding out strain and stress components. This application is in the case of static bending for one layer beam under static load on its upper surface and it is reinforced with fibers which can resist bending. The governing differential equations system has been produced. The degrees of freedom for the given displacement functions and the solution have been found. Numerical results based on the obtained solution have been presented and compared with their counterparts of the exact solution Farhat and Soldatos( 2015). In the second conterbution of this research, the displacement functions have been selected which were used in the research paper Ferreira et al.(2005) and what results of stress and strain components in the case of one layer plate with bending resistance fibers. Moreover, a system of Navir type differential equations have been found and solved including terms of applicability of bending resistant fibers en_US
dc.publisher Alasmarya Islamic University en_US
dc.subject قسم الرياضيات en_US
dc.title نظریة تغیر الشكل القصي المثلثیة لصفیحة مرنة مقواه بألیاف مقاومة للثني en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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